Patient Guide

  • Admission into hospital and ‘Letter of Guarantee’.

  • Referral for Consultants (Specialist) consultation.

  • Follow-up treatment.

  • The ‘Letter of Guarantee’ should clearly specify the following details :

  • Patient’s name (as per identity card, passport or birth certificate).[Nb. If the patient is a dependent, the name of the employee is required for Invoicing purposes.]

  • Patient’s identity card number, passport number or birth certificate number.

  • Patient’s entitlements (where applicable). Examples ~ Type/s of healthcare treatment and/or surgery covered, room and board entitlement, limitation of charges (if any), etc..]

  • Coverage on follow-up Consultant (Specialist) treatment (if any).

  • Name(s) and contact number(s) of contact person(s) from said Organization for Emergency and communication purposes.

  • Any other specification(s) and/or instruction(s) (if any).

Given the above, complex billing will be avoided as Hospital Penawar assures you that we will abide (without prejudice) by your specifications as stated in the ‘Letter of Guarantee’.

Please be advised, in the event the patient is covered by insurance (via letter or card confirmation) and the bill or portions of the bill (eg. excesses, exclusions, etc..) is not covered by the said insurance organization, the patient is required to make full settlement of the balance /  amount upon discharge.